Aztec Mexico


Where You'll Stay

You will get a small house, made of dirt and hay. If you pay $50 more you will get premium housing. The premium houses will be made of wood planks or Adobe! Adobe is sun dried adobe clay bricks. There is one room that is split up into 4 different areas. One area is for Everyone to sleep in, Another one is a shrine to keep the gods in, A place where meals are cooked, And a place to eat. Even if you owned that property you would NOT! be able to decorate it. Only nobles are allowed to, And since you are only going to be here 2 weeks you can not become a noble. Most Aztecs in Tenochtitlan had a second building for a stream bath, So for an extra $100 you will have a stream bath building. The stream bath building has a low doorway as to keep more heat in,

The Gods

The emporer is our leader, exept for the gods. There are hundreds of different gods and goddesses from the Aztec culture. They were believed to have immense power over what people did. Preists have often became gods during rituals opened to the public. The entry cost to one of these public rituals is $10 but they are very spirutually enriching. The sun was the begginning of existance after 4 universes before. 2 gods sacraficed themselves to the fire and rose the sun and moon. The rest of the gods and goddeses sacrifices themselfes to put the sun and moon in motion. They depended on human blood because they constantly lost blood from every circulation. Alot of famos Aztec artwork includes gods and goddeses. They can be easily identified because they usually have dresses, headwear, or face markings.

Total Cost: $52,576.50